Glow Skin Tea recipe

Hydration is key to skin health and beauty. Many women struggle with hydrating enough. On top of that, females experience the cyclical nature of their cycle on their skin. Drinking delicious herbal teas and changing them based on phases of your cycle will help bring more harmony to this mayhem!

For this food grade herbal tea you need:

Rose buds, Jujube dates, Longan fruit, Goji berries ( all found as dry in most Asian markets).

Mix equal parts of each ( you may want to chop the dates if they are large). Boil 1 tbs for 5 min, let cool to warm drinkable temperature and drink. I prefer the thermos method. Get a thermos that keeps heat for a few hours, drop the tea ingredients in the thermos with boiling water. Voila you have made yourself excellent tea for your day, you can sip on this all day.

If you dislike drinking tea for some reason, use the tea ( strain out the bits) and make your oatmeal, rice or other porridge for breakfast with it.

This tea is best taken daily, a week before the start of your period

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